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Real Property Management Humboldt Is Going ROWE

We are excited to announce Real Property Management Humboldt has begun the ROWE journey. This is a very exciting time. We are grateful for the opportunity and look forward to the experience.


“With the aspiration to build a world-class organization, I have always been on the hunt for ways to empower our team to focus on creating exceptional results. Rather than being caught up in legacy administrative duties, I wanted to find a way for the Team to be solely focused on taking care of our customers.  As soon as I become aware of ROWE, I knew this philosophy was in great alignment with the goal to get results, rather than simply putting in the time. Additionally, I want to have a work environment that is focused on giving each team member the flexibility to thrive both at work and outside of work.” ~ Darus Trunta, President

Stay tuned for updates…