The Results-Only
Work Environment
Powerful Outcomes
The proof is in the results. The Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE) isn’t just a trendy way of doing business or creating a flexible work environment. It’s a shift to a positive work culture delivering employee engagement and retention you won’t find from other methods because it puts your team members in total control of their work, careers, and outcomes.
Business Outcomes
ROWE is about respecting employees and trusting them to own projects, work, and outcomes. When you provide employees autonomy, incredible things happen for the employee and the business.
[We] experienced tremendous growth and tripled [our] revenue in just 3 years!

Business growth, as a result of being ROWE certified, has been nothing short of astronomical!

Since adopting ROWE, our expenses are down 23%, and our net income has increased by 94%.

Motivation and Engagement – Creating a Workplace Built on Trust
Give employees the freedom to approach their work when, where, and how they want and you’ll see incredible changes in their motivation and engagement. And with greater motivation and engagement comes increases in productivity and timeliness.
Following ROWE training and subsequent organizational certification, [we] are now averaging a 90% on time delivery rate, a 20% increase.
Since going ROWE, our headcount has reduced by 20%. At the same time, we’ve taken on 16% new customers.
Within the ROWE system, we’ve created a new culture, one that is proactive and built on trust, with alignment throughout the company. As a result, everyone in the company is actively participating in one or more cross-functional teams, which are tied back to our Strategic Plan initiatives - employees are working together, sharing ideas, and learning from one another at a level we never had before.

We are creating a culture where it’s not all about money and sacrificing personal lives for the company. The new organizational goal: ‘to improve the quality of life for the clients and the team’.

Management and employees report an increase in the overall energy and engagement level, greater focus on quality rather than simply meeting deadlines, and an overall sense of trust among employees at all levels of the organization.

Family and Community - Helping Employees Focus on What Matters
Missing out on family events and important life moments creates feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction with being behind a desk all day whether at a corporate office or home office. A positive work culture that offers true autonomy enables employees to focus on their family and their community while getting their work done.
The belief that the only way to balance work and life is to strictly segment and separate the two (hours for work vs. hours for life) is outdated and dramatically sub-optimizing. The solution is to redesign work.

Since working in a ROWE, I haven’t missed a single family activity due to my job. In a traditional work environment, I found myself at the mercy of someone else’s schedule and often had to miss (or be late to) my son’s after-school activities. ROWE allows me to maintain my priorities. I work more and I work harder, but I do it on my schedule—so I feel great about it. — MOJO MEDIA (FORMERLY SPINWEB)
ROWE has been tremendous with regard to allowing my team to have autonomy in what we do and building a culture of trust and accountability. All they have to do is make sure they’re delivering results. ROWE can be really scary for organizations, but one of the greatest things is it opens up lines of communication between team members and leaders.
Health and Wellbeing - Freeing Up Time to Care for Yourself
Employees who work in the Results-Only Work Environment experience less stress and less work-life spillover. That drives improvements in the amount of sleep they get as well as a reduction in smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. It's a fact - happy healthy employees = satisfied customers.
Being part of a ROWE-certified firm has allowed me to work on my health. It has taken a large amount of stress out of my life which has made me more productive and I believe, the entire office more productive. We have even won some awards because of the benefits of working within the ROWE system.

My experience working in a ROWE-certified organization has been nothing but great and has affected my life and work in very positive ways. Before operating within the ROWE system, my life revolved around my work. I felt forced to be creative, motivated, and driven within a specific time period (9-5) at a specific location (the office). Asking for time off to enjoy the things I love to do outside of work was stressful and made me feel guilty. Now that I am employed with a ROWE-certified company, my work revolves around MY life. I can be creative, motivated and driven when I FEEL creative, motivated and driven! Creating my own work schedule is very empowering and has had a very positive impact on my attitude towards work as well as my happiness in life. Since starting at JLB, I have not ONCE woken up in the morning dreading the workday which is an unbelievable feeling!

Is your leadership team ready to commit to the advancement of your work culture in order to achieve superior business results?
For organizations to succeed, leaders must create a culture of equity through autonomy. Get your free guide to enabling autonomy in the workplace.