"I actually interviewed a woman who had a very high level position at a very large agency and her salary at the time, we just couldn't match it as a smaller agency. And she was actually willing to take an almost $20,000 pay cut because of the flexibility of ROWE, because she wanted to have that lifestyle where she was able to pick up her daughter from school to be able to go to school plays, to be able to take her to doctor's appointments, without having to fill out HR forms or ask permission from three different people or whatever the case might be, or not be able to do it at all." ~Omi Diaz-Cooper
Recently Omi Diaz-Cooper, Co-Founder of ROWE Certified Diaz & Cooper, sat down with Ed Kless of Sage Accountants Solutions to talk about the Diaz & Cooper journey to a Results-Only Work Environment. The conversation is brief (less than 10 minutes). Ed and Omi talk about:
- how ROWE helped her attract and retain the best talent
- how valuable ROWE is to her employees
- her personal hero