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Ask Jody: Can We Implement ROWE on Our Own?

Principle-of-CultureRx- and-Co-founder-of-the-Results-Only-Work-Environment-Jody-Thompson

Ask Jody is an advice column written by Jody Thompson. Thompson is the Founding Principal of CultureRx. She is an international keynote speaker on the future of the workplace and has been featured on the covers of BusinessWeek, Workforce Management Magazine, HR Magazine, HR Executive Magazine, the New York Times, TIME Magazine, USA Today, The New Yorker, and on Good Morning America, CNBC, MSNBC, and CNN. She has co-authored two best-selling books on the modern workplace and contemporary management principles, Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It and Why Managing Sucks and How to Fix It.

To submit a question to Ask Jody, email Questions will be kept confidential and may be edited for length.

Dear Jody,

I work in a large engineering firm. I would like to shift departments to a results-only approach. Can we implement ROWE on our own? 


Vice President of Engineering


Jody's Advice: Respectfully, no. Adopting a Results-Only Work Environment requires an adaptive process of shifting your team's or the entire organization’s mindset, knowledge, and skills to serve the customer individually and collectively. The change process takes time and attention. At CultureRx, we provide the necessary lifelines to support successful adoption throughout the ROWE implementation. To achieve this evolution, CultureRx guides organizations through a 15 month end-to-end proven, research-backed, and proprietary process.

Your work culture guide,



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